Schematic Design 方案设计

设计师将与各方进一步沟通和协调,在已通过的照明构思设计的基础上,为项目提出必要的照明效果和技术要求,考虑的重点是可靠性、经济性和安装维护的便利性。一般会有多个可能的照明方案,针对项目的特定条件,考虑尽可能多的设计方案。也通过可行性研究进行分析,大致估计成本造价。 Based on the approved lighting concept, during this phase we present the necessary lighting effects and techniques for a project. Generally, there is always more than one possible lighting method, and we like to consider as many options as possible without limiting our freedom of thought and targeting the given conditions of a project. Also, approximate cost estimates are analyzed through feasibility studies. 01.对各种照明方法研究和分析 Study and analysis of various lighting methods 02.通过模拟来讨论灯光效果 Study through the use of simulations 03.深化电脑模型或效果图模拟灯光效果 Development of CG simulations and/or CG renderings 04.绘制示意图照明灯具的布局,列出设计时间表 Schematic lighting fixtures layout and schedules 05.与业主讨论项目是否需要智能灯光控制系统 Schematic lighting control systems if considered necessary for the project 06.照明控制系统通用概要和操作时间表 General outline of lighting control systems and operation schedules 07.如果有需要,计算设计的照度水平 General calculation of designed illuminance levels if necessary 08.近似费用估计计算 Calculation of approximate cost estimates